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1)季尾精選清貨優惠 優惠期間為5/5-20/5 貨品以先到先得形式出售! 如果想買到心儀嘅優惠貨品, 記得細閱以下幾點注意事項🤟🏼 ⭐️所有貨品將會以現貨出售 ⭐️優惠貨品數量有限,售完即止 ⭐️落單方法:1) 門市購買 2)可直接dm (ig/whatsapp/fb)購買 3) 網站落單 ⭐️訂單12小時內未付款確認,訂單將會自動取消,貨品會被重新放出俾其他客人購買 ⭐️是次優惠可享有網站滿$600免運之優惠 - 2)KAVU優惠 優惠期間為5/5-26/5 本店會員凡於門市/網站購買KAVU產品,買1件95折,買2件85折 直接放入購物車即可享有優惠 (會員需要先登入) *優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 -
季尾又係執雞嘅好時候,今次有大量靚營清貨優惠, 一年一次,全年最平嘅機會! 是次快閃優惠,只限四天 (28/4-1/5), 貨品以先到先得形式出售! 優惠都會係數一數二破天荒低價‼️ 如果想買到心儀嘅優惠貨品, 記得細閱以下幾點注意事項🤟🏼 -⭐️所有貨品將會以現貨出售 ⭐️優惠貨品數量有限,售完即止 ⭐️落單方法:1) 門市購買 2)可直接dm (ig/whatsapp/fb) hold貨,付款後以「順豐到付」寄出 ⭐️貨品已被”hold”後3小時內未付款確認,訂單將會自動取消,貨品會被重新放出俾其他客人購買 ⭐️是次優惠只提供門市自取/順豐到付,並不享有網站滿$600免運之優惠 - ⚠️⚠️⚠️網站不設是次優惠⚠️⚠️⚠️有好嘢就要share埋俾朋友一齊買!準時開搶💯✔️ -
【3月轉季大優惠】 請瀏覽下圖優惠詳情🔥 1)優惠期間凡於網站下單購物,不限金額,本地全單免運費 只限 寄送到香港ben d順豐智能櫃/自取點 請於下單填寫地址時填寫順豐自取點/智能櫃代碼, 如寫了上門地址,未夠$600之訂單會安排順豐到付(不獲免運安排) 2. 全單消費滿$1000,會再額外獲減$88優惠 結帳時請輸入「MAR88OFF」以獲得額外折扣優惠! 注意:此優惠不能與其他折扣優惠一同使用 優惠期限由3月15日至3月23日
【2022 Chinese New Year Special Arrangement Announcement and Flash Promotion】
【Special arrangement for Chinese New Year】 Please note that the last order date is January 30th, orders after the 30th will be shipped during normal business hours on the fifth day of the new year. Please pay attention to the above announcement for details 🪧 【2022 New Year Flash Sale】 One last shot before closing time!From January 28th to 30th, you can enjoy 5% discount on all products with purchase of two pieces✨ Only for three days, the promotion will end at 9:30 pm on the 30th! Thank you for your support, and once again congratulate you on a happy...
2021 Christmas and New Year's Eve deals
【First round of Christmas offer】 During December 23-25: 1. Get off when you buy over 00, enter it at checkout "XMAS50" discount code, you can enjoy the discount. 2. Get 0 off when you purchase over 00. Enter the "XMAS200" discount code at checkout to enjoy the discount. 3. Sea to Summit sleep kits are on sale at Christmas prices 4. Osprey Ariel 55 Backpack Christmas special offer During December 26-28: 1. OneTigris High Back Stool Set (Two Piece) is on sale at a discounted price 2. For purchase of OneTigris Cosmitto self-supporting tent, add an extra 0 to...